![]() 03/09/2016 at 12:00 • Filed to: sandersthesocialist | ![]() | ![]() |
The Lolz
![]() 03/09/2016 at 12:06 |
This is a Socialism Thread.
Bourgeois stay away.
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I didn’t like your sign, so I trespassed and vandalized it.
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I feel like an Inigo Montoya meme needs to be posted every time this image, and images like it, come up.
Instead, here’s a decent description of what Socialism actually means in the modern, Western, political sense.
(Note I’m not a Bernie Sanders advocate (nor am I against the guy) but I’m a little annoyed that my facebook feed is filled with stuff like this, much less my Oppo)
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kinja’d :p
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I don’t need any of that reading stuff, I learned everything I need to know about Sanders from internet memes and Drumpf’s twitter page
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There are essentially two types of socialists in modern Western democratic politics. Social democrats are effectively what the left is in nearly every Western European and North American country.
i.e. Bernie is filthy reactionary scum.
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Prepare for the impending shit storm. You can’t criticize or poke fun of our Lord and Savior Bernie or our Holy Mother Hillary. At all. Ever.
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My only regret is that I have but one star to give for this post.
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Whoever did that clearly doesn’t like the availability of the fire department, police department, hospitals, nice roads, and an army to be proud of.
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Every worker loves watching the crushing of capitalist cars.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 12:14 |
Well done.
If I had a dollar for every Socialism meme I’ve seen...well I’d have to give half of it to a poor person under Sanders! AMIRITE!
No, I’m not rite, I’d be an idiot if I thought that.
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this needs to be a gif
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Trying! WOrk internet filter blocker thingy is......odd.
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Trump supporters are like: “I’ll take 30% of your sign, roll it up, and use it to scare away the illegal muslim immigrants that moved all our manufacturing jobs to Mexico.”
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One of my personal favorites
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I just laughed very loud in a quiet office at that. Thank for the days humor
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Muslims, ban them!
Mexicans, deport them!
KKK, well we don’t know enough about them to make a decision....
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lol, haven’t seen that one.
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taxes pay for all that shit. socialism extends beyond those things and adds food on your neighbors plate a college education for someone you’ve never met and an inflated paycheck to the guy who made your mcgriddle this morning. Some things are rights and some are priveleges. police, roads, and fire departments are important free college free health care and free abortions aren’t.
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I’m fine with that! Just wish people understood what they are posting.
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Everything I’ve listed are literally socialist institutions. Everyone pays taxes that fund those. Everyone chips in. That’s socialism.
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Thank you. Well (and simply, for our slower readers) stated.
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Some things are rights and some are priveleges. police, roads, and fire departments are important free college free health care and free abortions aren’t*.
*Not in our country, but they are many others.
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Meme war?
Meme war
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Yet all the garbage from the left thrown at the right is entirely factual, right?
I’m sure you defend the right as you do the left.
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No, I believe that Trump is a racist asshole. :) That’s factual.
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police, roads, and fire departments are important free college free health care and free abortions aren’t.
To you, maybe. There’s millions of people in this country to whom those three things could make a profound difference in their life that could never happen otherwise. I don’t entirely agree with all of Bernie’s proposed policies and think a lot of them are hopelessly optimistic in terms of implementation and funding, but pretending like everyone having access to education, healthcare and reproductive resources, regardless of their socioeconomic status, doesn’t benefit our society as whole is just being obtuse.
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if you want money or healthcare or a college education, work for it. this idea that because your a citizen you deserve the world is fucked. sure those things might benefit the country but it will hurt the country as well. there are too many unemployed college grads as It is, adding more will be bad for the economy as a whole as everyone will be overqualified and deserve higher pay.
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the socialism Bernie is proposing goes well beyond these though and I don’t thin everyone should pay into a shared healthcare and college fund. if you want those things get a job and work for them don’t expect free handouts for luxuries.
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Ah, the prototypical liberal hypocrisy.
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lol, my voter card says “unaffiliated” but thanks for playing. I think they’re all idiots.
Glad to see you’re sticking with your candidate through all the tough times. Look forward to him making American great again.
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They’re far from “luxuries.” If the government actually cared for its future, it’d provide higher education for its citizens. 80 years ago, high school was the highest education you could get in this country, and it wasn’t free. Guess what? IT’S FREE NOW. We pay for it through our taxes almost subconsciously.
Germany is now providing FREE university for everyone. I can get on a plane to Germany, enroll in a university, and not pay a single Euro for it. That’s how much Germany values higher education. Call them socialist pigs all you want, but I love that.
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do you love paying 45% in taxes?
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If it meant helping those in need, yes. I would give every cent I can spare to my community, but unfortunately my tin can is quite empty.
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hmm how convenient. let me ask you this, if my food is provided to me via food stamps my education provided by Bernie and healthare free as well, where is my motivation to work? why would I bother getting a job if everything is free?
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I’m also registered unaffiliated. I’m honest with myself though.
Thanks for playing.
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Doesn’t come across that way on the internets...
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I criticize equally.
I see next to zero criticism of the Democratic candidates, who have nearly as many flaws as the Reublican candidates. The immunity to criticism is baffling.
You’re one to talk. Read your posts. You come across as far left as Bernie.
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That’s such an old argument.
If you defined a nice life such as you illustrated in your comment, then there’s something wrong with you. I would be eternally grateful towards the government for catching me when I fell, but that won’t change the fact that I like eating out, or I want a nice house with a couple of cool cars, or maybe getting a degree doing what I love, which the government will help me get.
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this idea that because your a citizen you deserve the world is fucked
*you’re and no one’s asking ‘the world’, they’re asking for what every other first-world country already has: the guarantee that no matter where or to whom you’re born or how much money your family has, you’ll have just as much access to the resources to improve your station in life as anyone else and that if something catastrophic happens (medical emergency, you lose your job surprise pregnancy, etc.) you won’t be left to die or become impoverished for the rest of your life because you can’t pay for it. That’s not fucked, that’s having empathy and understanding that people less fortunate than us have the deck stacked against against them from the get-go (see: the working-class who can barely afford to feed their families, people born in the inner cities who see college as an impossibility due to its ruinous cost, families bankrupted by medical bills). Their ‘working for it’ is them paying into the system to begin with, they’re not just going to be getting free money, it’s a shared system in which everyone benefits (see the numerous studies where having government-subsidized healthcare and education actually saves society money since the two combined only account for a 7% increase in most peoples’ tax rates).
there are too many unemployed college grads as It is, adding more will be bad for the economy as a whole as everyone will be overqualified and deserve higher pay.
Point taken but greatly oversimplified. Yes, there are a lot of unemployed college graduates, but had they gotten degrees is something useful like a STEM field or healthcare or another high-demand field they wouldn’t be unemployed. With all the baby boomers retiring in the next ten years there’s going to be a huge vacuum in the job market and there’s no reason to think having a few more people join would create financial ruin. If anything it would be better because there would be more people with disposable income to put back into the economy, which would fuel growth and, you guessed it, increase the demand for workers. Yes taxes suck and the idea of paying more is even worse, but the entire point of government is to improve the lives of their citizens through legislation and regulation, and if Bernie gets elected and implements these policies I’m fine with that because it helps out other people, simple as that.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 13:33 |
Where are all your Trump criticisms?
Only thing I found:
Hey man, I know hating on Fox news is in vogue and all, and you just wanted to be one of the cool kids...just dust yourself off and try again. Hey, maybe you can post a Donald Trump meme. Those are always good. Maybe one comparing him to Hitler.
Doesn’t seem all that “equal”.
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Not needed here as everyone else posts plenty.
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I can’t recommend your replies because Kinja is borked but preach.
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first of all understand there are tons of people currently living as leaches off the governments teet. if you don’t think its happening your delusional. Bernie wil just make those people lives even easier. college degrees don’t mean success so get that thought out of your head. go find a job and work and save up for college if it is that important to you. my parents sacrificed to pay my way through college and I will prolly do the same for my children. I would never expect the govt to pay for college because they don’t owe me shit. I already pay too many godamn taxes and wish I could get my paycheck in full to spend as I like such as a house or college or maybe healthcare or prolly cars but I cant. they milk and milk and milk until nothings left. if you want something, go get it don’t expect a handout. I think everyone would benefit by having an e30 but I don’t think the govt should give out free e30's. Bernie has ZERO understanding of economics and will never make this country a socialist nation
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You have to admit, there’s plenty to criticize. Feel free to link to other sites where you’ve demonstrated this “equal criticism” you speak of.
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he wont get elected so I have nothing to worry about it just bothers me people agree with his wacky ideas
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kinja took your stars cuz you had too many
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As there is of the left.
I don’t need to provide you with anything.
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As I assumed.
Good day sir/madam.
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He probably won’t but even so, him and Trump have shaken up the political landscape enough that someone like him is now a viable candidate.
How is helping the disenfranchised and underprivileged ‘wacky’? I’m amazed by this seemingly uniquely American idea that everyone below your socioeconomic status deserves their poverty and everyone above you worked extremely hard for it and no one should get any help. It bothers
that people don’t care about anyone but themselves. Universal healthcare and subsidized college tuition et al. don’t just benefit the people you’ve never met, your kids and your kids’ kids and everyone you know will all benefit from it. That’s the entire point of being a parent, much less a human, to leave the world a better place than when you entered it.
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Good one.
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Funny how in a lot of first world countries his wacky ideas are fully implemented to the betterment of all of society (stronger middle class, larger tax base, more societal mobility, less crime, better educated citizens, etc.) and it’s working. The US is slowly slipping towards 2nd world status, thanks mainly due to a decrease in social mobility (which is mainly to blame on the ridiculous costs of education) and the risk of bankruptcy in case of a medical emergency.
Plus, those leeches, go read up on ‘em (outside of Fox news), it’s a lot different than you think it is.
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Okay, dig this: I AM NOT ASKING FOR FREE HANDOUTS. I am asking for my government to provide for my welfare. Remember: Of the people, by the people, for the people. The government exists to serve me, to serve you, to serve all of its constituents. The fact that I can’t pay for college by working a minimum wage job, where I could have easily done that 40-50 years ago, is a travesty. I would gladly work to pay for my tuition if I could, but I can’t pay thousands of dollars a month just from working at a McDonalds.
If you want an example of socialist economics, remember Germany was facing bankruptcy after WWI before the socialist Adolf Hitler took office. In the span of an average presidential term, he turned the country into a strong economic superpower.
I see you’ve read SVTyler’s responses. He’s really hitting the nail on the head.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 13:59 |
That article was crap. It started out with vague definition of what Socialism means, and then degenerated into a Bernie Sanders campaign post. Traditional political sciene puts Socialism as the enemy of Liberal Democracies, even Lenin said so.
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I think most poverty stricken people did something to get to where they are now and are not actively doing anything to get out of it. I also think most super rich worked to get there or at least maintained a strong inheritance and didn’t bury a company into the ground. I don’t think its fair for mark Cuban to be punished with over 50% taxes. it shouldn’t matter that their are hungry people and he cant possibly spend all his money. that should not matter In the least. he started from the bottom and worked his way to the top. if he wants to help charities great good for him but the govt shouldn’t force billionairs to be charitable. my parents made sacrifices to send me to school. I think parents who don’t save for their kids to go to school and stupid and need to better plan their life.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 14:02 |
This is who you are actively rooting for, just let that sink in how fucking stupid this guy is:
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eh dont care i found it funny and posted it. i dont give 2 shits about politics
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yea and trump won my state too. Shows how idiotic we are...
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Exactly, I had to pay for college, but I’m sure as hell grateful that we got free healthcare in the UK. It annoys me that being poor means you might not be able to afford an education, it would shock me if being poor meant you had to die.
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The meme was simply leveling the playing field so all yards could have sign equality.
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For every Mark Cuban who was lucky enough and in the right place at the right time, there’s a million more people who work just as hard and get nowhere in life. It’s called the
cycle of poverty
and it’s exactly the reason why government programs are necessary. Pretending like the poor deserve their life is just disingenuous when there’s hundreds of other variables that factor into success is quite frankly, bullshit. I’m genuinely sorry for you that you feel that way, I can’t imagine writing off an entire group of people as lazy parasites for something they largely can’t control.
And the tax rates and loopholes in this country are so fucked that billionaires like Cuban actually end up paying a smaller percentage than the average person. That’s what happens when you’re rich, you can buy high-powered accountants to scour the tax codes and pay politicians to pass laws that favor you (see: Reagan and Bush). If I was in Cuban’s situation I’d gladly pay more than anyone else because I have more to give, I don’t get how that’s ‘charity’ or ‘being punished’. He fucking won life, he’s living the dream he couldn’t have imagined when he was bartending in Dallas, if anything his poverty growing up should make him more sympathetic to the struggle he and his parents (and all of the other poor people he knew) faced.
And what do you mean by ‘save’? That implies there’s extra money left over in the family’s paychecks. A third of Americans are a paycheck away from being homeless, and 60% don’t even have $1000 in emergency savings, how the hell can they save the tens of thousands of dollars to send their kid to school? They can barely afford to buy food and heat their house working 70+ hours a week working multiple jobs. I know people like that, people you say are ‘lazy’ and don’t deserve assistance, and not a single one of them doesn’t bust their ass from the time they get up to the time they go to sleep trying to provide for their families. Their ‘plan’ is to literally keep themselves and their families alive, that’s it. 401k’s and mutual funds and Vanguard accounts are the furthest thing from their minds. Research Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and you’ll see why.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 14:27 |
what if I told you minimum wage never guaranteed you a right to survive....perhaps you should give yourself a touch more credit and go work for trader joes instead of mcdonalds. I made 15 bucks as an intern when I didn’t have a degree you can find those types of jobs too and maybe your employer will pay for your school because you will be a valuable vested interest to them. did your parents not save up for you to go to college? mine did even though their parents didn’t for them. we need to cut reliance on the govt and lower taxes so we have more money to do with it what we want not what someone else wants. and I promise you college isn’t an instant gate into a 100k career so stop thinking college is the only way for you to be successful.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:06 |
You’re actually completely wrong about the minimum wage, when the National Industry Recovery Act (the bill that introduced the minimum wage) passed FDR himself said that it was intended to be “ more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living”
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:31 |
that was 90 years ago. why wont be bring back the prohibition? minimum wage doesn’t and shouldn’t be livable on. it should be for teens and old people to make a little money not for 30 year olds to support a family of 4. if your over 17 making minimum wage there is something wrong with you. and no you could not pay for college working minimum wage during the summer 40 years ago. this was proven wrong many times
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That looks like more than half.
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Let’s be fair on German education, while it’s free not everyone gets to go.
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Except only the middle class pay taxes.
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Anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much, but I used to have a position where I would cut checks to those in need as part of an outreach program. I can’t tell you the number of people on government assistance that refused promotions because it would endanger their government benefits.
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Nice false equivalence argument, why don’t we bring back slavery too? And why are those damn wimmenz allowed to vote? Did you even bother to read the fucking quote, much less the actual page? That’s exactly what the minimum wage was established to be, not some pittance intended to be pocket change for bored highschoolers or restless elderly people, an actual, real dollar amount you could if need be support a family on. It’s only since the 70's and 80's, when all the people who took advantage of high minimum wage as kids became managers and executives and realized they could exploit the young and working class, that the minimum wage turned into some shitty amount of money your boss was required by law to pay you. Revisionism only works when you’re not absurdly wrong.
And provide me your sources on not being able to pay for college in the past on minimum wage, I’d love to see them since every source I’ve ever found has said the exact opposite, as have every single one of my relatives who went to college in the 60's and paid $500 a year in tuition and came out of school with zero debt earning $1.80 (~$13 in today’s money) an hour at Burger Chef during the summers. Doing the math that’s 270 work hrs during the summer to pay back their tuition, meanwhile if we took
tuition it would take me over 2700hrs at the current minimum wage. Ten times longer. You know why? Because tuition has increased over 1000% since the 60's, leaving all but the upper-middle class or those willing to become indentured servants to the government excluded from the opportunity to pursue higher education. It’s a fucking psychotic business practice and it’s psychotic people like you don’t see a problem with this.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:21 |
we weren't in debt over 18 trillion dollars back then either so surely making school cheaper and wages higher will fix that too right? in 1978 working minimum wage would get you classes only and maybe some books. not room and board. source:
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Yes, thank you for confirming my point, notice I mentioned the word ‘tuition’ in my comment as well and took only it into account. Even taking room and board into account and doubling the total cost only comes out to working a little over 20hrs a week June-August with what kids were being paid in the 1960's. For me it would take 225hrs a week. Which is 1.5x as many hours as there actually are in the week.
And I’m not sure you understand the idea of national debt, which has nothing to due with the consumer directly and deals solely with the money the federal government owes (hence the ‘national’). Regardless, if you ever took even the most basic economics class you’d know that higher average wages correlate to higher consumer spending, thus fueling economic growth. Less money in wages, less spending, less money businesses make, repeat until everyone’s broke. It’s the most fundamental principle of economics.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:43 |
hmm and do you think doubling the minimum wage will hurt businesses? don't you think they will be forced to lay off and outsource jobs?
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Immediately doubling it would, yes, because you can’t add such a huge variable to a system and expect instant equilibrium. The smart thing to do is to gradually increase it over years and work your way up to $12 or 13, which (from my research at least) seems to be the minimum you’d need to provide for a family of four and not have to work multiple jobs or massive amounts of overtime.
And the people paying minimum wage won’t be outsourcing shit since 90% of the people making 7.25 are in retail or food service or whatever, jobs you couldn’t outsource if you wanted to. Even then the impact of payroll wouldn’t be so severe if gradually increased. Take for example, my boss at the pizza place I work at during the summer, whose books I’ve seen and know that he only spends about 30% on payroll. I don’t have the exact papers in front of me so I don’t know his profit margin but I know he makes roughly $200k a year off of the place and assuming a 5% profit margin, would only pay an an extra 60k in payroll vs. the 120k he normally pay if minimum wage became $10.
$60k sounds like a lot but the business could be reorganized in the years of the minimum wage increase to offset that if he really wanted to. In the grand scheme of things companies would probably have to lay off people but after the people who kept their jobs put more money into the economy, there would be more stores and restaurants and whatever looking for new hires and the ones who lost their jobs would get hired again. That’s called the business cycle.
So, in short, the answer is yes and somewhat, but with qualifiers. The problem is all the people at the top making all the money won’t want to give it up, but it would benefit the economy as a whole if the wealth was spread around.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:16 |
I fail to see the stupidity in that.
Truth is, if education is depending on how much one can spend, and most people fresh out of college are deep in debt, it not only hurts these people and closes access to a whole subset of society (those who cannot pay for college), it also hinders start-ups from popping up (those in debt are less likely to risk starting a business or even able to), thus making the circle of people able to start their own businesses even more of a circle of trust fund kids.
That’s not a good way to go forward as a nation.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:17 |
Well said.
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Why should we subsidize a business that pays subpar wages? I’m not really for lazy business owners making a buck off our welfare, tbh.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:23 |
Again, well said.
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Yeah, the system is not perfect. I know that certain benefits cut off at random numbers, thus the recipient is worse off after taking on that promotion, financially. I wouldn’t take that promotion either if that was the case, tbh.
But again, better than having tons of homeless people and rising crime rates.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:03 |
Yeah, Americans sure like to mix up socialism (aka what some countries during the Soviet times practiced) with social-democracy (what Sanders stands for).
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:07 |
Thanks man.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:38 |
Do you not see how ridiculous the idea of a home maker making minimum wage? Like if you met someone who was 40 with two kids and he said his job was mcdonalds you wouldn't think that's extremely fucked? Like there is something grossly wrong with your life if that's what you make after working for 20 years. I know plenty of high schoolers who made 10 12 even 15 dollars an hour 6 years ago. I think it's up to the individual to find adequate work and the govt shouldn't be telling a free business how they need I operate. This is America it is not a communist dictatorship we can and should be able to start a company and choose our wages. If the hours are shit the money is trash and the benefits non existent then people will quit and your business will fail. It is not up to the govt to decide how a private business should run. If you make minimum wage that's our fault not the govts. If you think I'm talking out my ass come work for my company we are hiring interns you can make double minimum wage. Those jobs are out there go find them
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:55 |
DUDE. seriously? you dont have any idea why a bank would sell a house to you at 2 or 3 % and college loans are 8,9 or 10%? think it over, think it over, think it over. ok times up. Side note its scary bernie and his followers dont see the flaw in this belief but i cant blame him he seems to be getting senile in his old age.
Ok scenario 1, I want a new GTI. i go to the vw dealer the gti is 30k. they tell me for 5k down and 0 % apr you can get this car. here they are giving me a 30k car for 5k. why would they do that? arent they afraid ill never pay it back? O wait no they are not because they have the title and can take that 25-30k asset right back leaving them with no loss.
Scenario 2, I want to go to college. I go to the bank and tell them college costs 50k. They say ok we can give you 50k but it will cost you 7% interest. Whoa Whoa Whoa hold the phone why can i buy a new car for basically no interest but college costs 7%. Well guess what young naiive liberal shit stain? That bank cant take back you college education if you dont pay the loan back. They can neither steal your diploma nor wipe knowledge from your brain. Cars and houses are known as collateral. If bernie had half a brain cell he would know this but he doesnt which is why it is so shocking. but i cant blame him cuz there are other morons in this world like you who will buy into his free shit propaganda.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:02 |
Don’t even get me started. My political science degree does not need to be awoken from it’s deep slumber. US conservatives are technically Liberals, Anarchists are actually Libertarians, and Liberals (in the US) are Hobbesian Fascists. Then we have to recategorize everyones views based on their obligations and rights under the social contract, which vary WILDLY. Ugh...
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:37 |
Dude, you’re equating an educated citizen with a citizen having a new car?
We’re done here, you don’t get it. The sad part is: you can vote.
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What the fuck is it with you and the working class? They’re not scum of the earth, they’re human fucking beings just trying to get by in life. What the fuck’s your job that you think you’re so much better than them? You wanna talk shit about a forty-year-old dude working fast food? Go right ahead but I guarantee you he’s got more humility and respect than you’ll ever have. Instead of lining up at the unemployment office taking your tax money he’s out working his ass off for his family despite people like you mocking him as a failure and a waste. And so what if the dude’s been there 20 years? There’s millions of people like him working underpaid, wage-slave gigs because they don’t have the resources to go get a degree or go to trade school or whatever through no fault of their own. Ever stopped for dinner on a road trip in a small town in the Midwest or South? 9 times out of 10 the Waffle House waitress is a divorced mother trying to make ends meet, not some lazy welfare queen who never bothered to do anything with her life.
And there’s the ‘c’ word, despite a completely incorrect use of it. So a minimum wage is ‘communism’? Enacting laws protecting workers from exploitation is as well? You must have never had a working-class gig if you think people can just go find a new job whenever they want and businesses will fail because no one will want to work for them. That’s how it should be, not how it actually is, don’t confuse the two. People work fast food and retail because they have literally no other choice, th ey can’t go find a new job because they can’t get any time off for an interview or can’t afford to take a sick day and businesses know that and exploit the shit out of them because of it.
Ask me how many people at my summer job get overtime despite regularly working 60+ hours a week. The answer’s none. Shocking, right? Thanks to Industrial Revolution-era at will employment you can get fired for literally anything here in Indiana, most especially asking for fair pay. Know why? Because your boss knows htere’ll always be someone desperate enough to gladly bend over to get fucked in in your place.
What’s weird is I actually kind of agree with you insofar as the government staying out of business. Not because there’s no place for regulation in commerce, but because companies shouldn’t need laws to tell htem to treat their employees fairly, they should do it because they’re human fucking beings. But thanks to greed and the human element and people with attitudes like yours, we need laws to make sure they do that.
And I need to move to where you live, I can tell you from my own job search in high school no one’s paying 12-15, trust me, I looked. Turned in about a dozen applications, dressed up all nice for the interviews, put on by best ass-kissing face, ended up getting minimum just like everyone else I knew who could get a job. Actually, check that, some of the the rich kids I knew ended up ‘interning’ at their dad’s or their friends’ dad’s company and got a 20/hr ‘consulting’ wage. Know how many kids from working-class families got cushy ‘jobs’ from their families’ connections? None.
Those jobs are out there go find them
What jobs are these? If you think all of the working class are going to saddle themselves with $100k+ in student loans you’ve apparently never had to deal with true poverty (in which case you’re extremely lucky). I’m a junior in mechanical engineering at one of the most presitigious schools in the country and am guaranteed a job coming out of college despite my student loans. I was lucky enough to be born into a middle-class family who valued education and hard work and to whom college wasn’t an option but a requirement. To most people who work at mcDonald’s with kids who need free lunches at school and wear third-generation hand-me-downs and use extra blankets during the winter because they can’t afford to turn the heat any higher, post-seconday education is an impossible pipe dream given the costs.
College isn’t an option for everyone. Nor should it be for reasons you previously mentioned. But just because someone can’t or doesn’t want to afford a degree doesn’t mean they should be exploited because they have no other option. Everyone should have a chance to have a decent life regardless of where they work, and if the government needs to step in to ensure that, so be it.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:42 |
Do you have any idea what future earning potential of an educated person means?
More than a heavily depreciated car..
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:57 |
Go ahead tell me how to repossess it I'm listening
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:58 |
So you would loan someone 50k at no interest for a college diploma? What are you gonna do when they don't pay?
![]() 03/09/2016 at 20:10 |
I’m my Kinja wasn’t screwed up I’d be recommending everything you’re saying.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 20:12 |
That dude who’s 40 working walmart with the humility? Yea he is at the unemployment office. Tons of walmart employees working 35 hours receive welfare from the government. This is the fucked up state of our country. Do you know why they haven’t frozen to death or starved to death? Because you can live a completely shitty life making minimum wage at Walmart plus welfare benefits from the state. Now let’s get something clear I think both parties are at fault. Walmart is at fault for only giving 35 hour work weeks. Know why they do that? Because under obamacare if they have full time employees they must provide health care benefits. So our debt is rising as we keep these govt. leaches afloat.
If you want free college work hard in high school and apply for scholRships. If that fails use community college or online classes to save money. If you want to make ten bucks an hour ditch the hairnet and become a waiter or a golf caddy. Jobs with tips can be hidden gems where the base pay seems low but the actual take home is quite high. Want a 15-25 bucks job and don’t want to pay for college and have benefits? Save up for a 6-12 month trade school and learn to be a plumber, handy man, mechanic, welder, CAD tech, web developer, app designer.
If your life sucks make a change. If your out of shape make a change. If your car runs like crap make a change. If you can’t afford where you live make a change. If you have debt make a change. If your in a toxic relationship make a change. If I meet you and I see your in need I’ll help you. But I will never ever condone the govt attempt to help everyone at the cost of my hard earned money.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 20:33 |
I truly, truly hope you’re never in a position to need any of the policies and programs you’re so adamantly against. I really do. And that’s the last thing I’ll say about all this.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 00:29 |
I’m a Bernie supporter, and that’s funny. I wish everyone could realize that memes aren’t supposed to be dictionaries, and they funny wittiness doesn’t have to agree with your politics.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 00:31 |
yea I just thought it was funny so I post haha. Don’t really like Bernie but then again I really don't like anyone in the race right now haha
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